Exercises To Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The power of Grounding exercises.

Have you ever felt like your thoughts and emotions were out of control? Do you struggle with anxiety or stress? Grounding exercises may be just what you need to bring yourself back to the present moment. Grounding exercises help you centre and anchor yourself, so you can face challenges with a calm and clear mind. In this blog post, we will explore different grounding exercises that you can use to ground yourself wherever you are.

Run Water over Your Hands

One simple grounding exercise is to run water over your hands. This exercise helps you focus on your senses and brings your mind to the present moment. The sensation of water on your skin can be soothing and grounding. Take a moment to feel the temperature of the water, the texture of the soap, and the sound of the water running over your hands.

 Move Your Body

Another grounding exercise is to move your body. You can jump up and down, dance, jog in place, or stretch. As you move, focus on how your body feels. Notice the sensations in your muscles, the rhythm of your breath, and the physical sensations of your movement. Moving your body is an excellent way to release pent-up energy and gain a sense of control over your body and mind.

 Focus on Your Breathing

An effective grounding exercise is to focus on your breathing. Control how you inhale and exhale, and focus on the sensation of air moving in and out of your body. Start by inhaling to the count of four, holding for seven seconds, and then exhaling for a count of eight.  This  breathing pattern or pranayama – is a form of breath regulation long used in yoga to help people feel calm and relaxed.

 Choose Something Enjoyable to Do

If you want to build resilience, choose something enjoyable to do. Grounding exercises work best when they are something that you enjoy doing. It could be anything from taking a walk in nature, or spending time with a friend. Choose something you love and build it into your daily routine. Doing something you enjoy regularly can help you feel more connected and grounded in your life

Grounding exercises are a powerful tool to help you find your centre and anchor yourself to the present moment. Whether it's running water over your hands, moving your body, focusing on your breathing, or doing something enjoyable, grounding exercises can help you regulate your emotions, reduce anxiety and stress, and build resilience. Try different grounding exercises until you find one that works for you. With practice, grounding exercises can become a natural part of your daily routine, helping you stay grounded and cantered in your life.


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